Indigenous Guardians Data Roundtable report
The Northern Indigenous Stewardship Circle (NISC), Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre (GCRC) at Carleton University, and Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) collaboratively organized the Indigenous Guardians Data Roundtable, with support from the MakeWay and Oak Foundations. This gathering was held January 30 and 31, 2024, on the traditional territory of the Yellowknives Dene on Chief Drygeese Territory, as part of Treaty 8, in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Get the report here.

Indigenous Guardian Toolkit
Nature United created a resource for sharing and connecting around knowledge and experiences related to Indigenous Guardian programs. Access the toolkit online here.
Community Approaches to Wildlife Monitoring
This knowledge resource was developed by Ä®daà Strategies for MakeWay to facilitate knowledge sharing amongst Northern environmental stewardship and guardian programs on the topic of Community Approaches to Wildlife Monitoring. It is intended to be a gathering place for the knowledge and expertise of guardian and environmental stewardship program managers and coordinators from across Northern Canada. Access the Community Approaches to Wildlife Monitoring Report here.
Youth Engagement
This knowledge resource was developed by Ä®daà Strategies for MakeWay to facilitate knowledge sharing amongst Northern Indigenous environmental stewardship and guardian programs on the topic of Youth Engagement. It is intended to be a gathering place for the knowledge and expertise of guardian and environmental stewardship program managers and coordinators from across Northern Canada. Access the Youth Engagement Report here.
Data Tool Selection: An Introductory Guide for Northern Indigenous Stewardship Programs
The Guide reflects information shared between Northern Indigenous Stewardship program managers and subject matter experts over the course of a two-day Tides Canada Data Tools Solutions Conversation in Somba Ké / Yellowknife. Access the Data Tool Selection: An Introductory Report for Northern Indigenous Stewardship Programs here.
The Data Tools Selection Background Report and Appendices can be accessed here.
Indigenous Guardians Training Needs Scan
Blyth & Bathe was retained by Tides Canada to conduct interviews with Northerners who are involved in Indigenous guardian programs across northern Canada. The primary goal of these interviews was to identify the various processes and programs by which guardians are trained, with the hopes of drawing some broad insights into best practices, knowledge/skills gaps, and the possibility of collaboration among the various groups on future guardian training programs. Access the Indigenous Guardians Training Needs Scan Report here.