We are an Indigenous and Northern-led network that builds connections and facilitates information-sharing amongst Indigenous guardian and environmental stewardship programs across Northern Canada. We work as a collective to support Indigenous governance, capacity building and cultural connections for our communities to be empowered as stewards of the land.
Our Vision is for:
Indigenous peoples empowered to oversee our own lands, waters, and wildlife
Unity amongst Northern Indigenous peoples, cultures & communities
Health and wellness in Northern communities
Strong capacity and highly qualified Indigenous people leading stewardship and guardian programs of our land and waters
Robust resources, financial stability, and employment and training supports that empowers stewardship programs to focus on the land
Community-led, culturally-based stewardship and knowledge-sharing methods and tools rooted in Indigenous knowledge and culture, as well as Western science

The way of life and values that guide our work as a network include:
Respect for the land, environment, and each other’s cultures
Resourcefulness - working with what we have
Strong communication and involvement of people in the community
Embracing traditional and cultural identity in everything we do